Interview Advice
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Achievements, Failures, and Challenges
Tell me about a time you failed to complete an assignment on time.
Tell me about a time that you made a poor decision.
When was a time that you had a disagreement with a co-worker?
Tell about a time that you saved your company money.
Tell about a time that you made a mistake.
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Tell about a time that you did not achieve your goal.
What do you do when you have a problem with a colleague?
What have you done during your career that you are most proud of?
Tell me about the toughest decision you have had to make in the last year.
What is the biggest challenge you have ever dealt with?
Tell about the last time a co-worker or customer got angry with you and how you dealt with it.
What is your greatest professional achievement?
What was the greatest challenge at your last job?
What was a challenge at your last job and how did you handle it?
When was a time that you disagreed with your manager?
Tell me about a time that you made a good decision.
What was the biggest challenge at your last job?
Tell about a time when you demonstrated leadership.
What would you consider the biggest achievement in your career?
Beginning an Interview and Introducing Yourself
How do you stay healthy?
What are your hobbies?
What can you tell me about yourself?
What do you like to do when you are not in the office?
What are you interested in?
Please describe yourself.
How long have you been looking for a job?
How would your family describe you?
How would your former co-workers describe you?
Greeting 1
How would your former boss describe your personality?
How did you learn about the job opening?
How would you describe yourself?
Why haven't you gotten any offers yet?
How did you hear about this position?
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of work?
Greeting 2
How did you find out about this job opening?
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
What are your interests?
Educational Background and Character
During university, how did you spend your vacations?
Why did you choose your major?
Tell me about your educational background.
What was your major?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What courses at university did you like the least?
How do you handle conflict?
Do you work well under pressure?
Are you better at anticipating or reacting to problems?
Why do you think our company is a good fit for you?
How do you deal with stressful situations?
What is your leadership style?
How do you handle change?
Are you a risk-taker?
When you attended university, what courses did you like the most?
Are you an organized person?
Do you like working by yourself or on a team?
What motivates you?
Can you tell me how you make important decisions?
How do you deal with pressure?
Ending an Interview and Asking Questions 1
What has been this company's layoff history in recent years?
What questions do you have for me?
What do you like the most about this company?
What percentage of managers were promoted from within the company?
How many employees work for this company?
When would you need me to start?
What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 90 days?
What are the company's highest-priority goals this year, and how would my role contribute?
Is there anything else you want to add?
Do you have any questions for me?
May I contact your references?
How is this company doing compared to your competitors?
What are the opportunities for advancement here?
Please describe a typical day for this position.
Is there anything you would like to ask me?
What other departments would I work closely with?
What kind of training should I expect?
Does this job usually lead to other positions at the company?
What will my workstation be like? Will I get an office, a cubicle, or a desk?
What do you expect from me in my first 3 months?
Ending an Interview and Asking Questions 2
What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
Who do you consider your top competitor, and why?
What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?
How will I be trained?
What are the next steps in the interview process?
What does a typical day look like here?
Where do you think the company is headed in 5 years?
May I contact your current manager?
Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the job?
What are your expectations for this role during the first year?
Do you have any questions before we end this interview?
What are the biggest challenges facing the company right now?
Is there anything you would like to know?
Does the company offer a flexible start time?
What do you consider to be the best thing about working here?
What is your favorite thing about working here?
May I contact your current employer?
What other perks does the company offer?
Could you describe the culture of the company for me?
What would you like to know about the position or the company?
What will be the first thing you do if you get the job?
Describe your dream job.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Have you or are you going to interview with any other companies?
Are you willing to travel?
Where do you want to be in 10 years?
What is your availability?
How long do you plan on staying with this company?
What are your goals for the future?
What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role?
What are your career goals?
What are your long-term goals?
Are you planning on having children?
Will working on weekends be a problem for you?
What is your salary expectation?
What do you think is the ideal position for you?
Are you willing to relocate?
What can we expect from you in your first three months?
What do you want to be doing in 5 years?
What are your short-term goals?
If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?
Would you work more than 40 hours a week if necessary?
What could you contribute to make this company better?
What do you think you would like most and least about working in sales?
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
What would you do if you had a 3-month vacation?
How would you deal with a colleague who was angry with you?
Would you be willing to work abroad for an extended period of time?
How would you fire someone?
Would you be willing to work holidays if there were an emergency?
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
How would you deal with an angry client or customer?
If everyone on the team were a veteran and everyone already knew each other, what would you do to fit in?
Would you be willing to work weekends during busy business periods?
What would your boss at your current job say about your abilities?
What would you want to achieve in this position in your first year?
If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?
If you got this job, what would some of your goals be?
If you could redo university again, what would you major in?
If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
Other Common Job Interview Questions 1
Why should we hire you?
What kind of salary are you looking for?
What drives results in a company?
What do you think our company could do better or differently?
Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you?
Can you explain why you changed career paths?
What aspects of this job interest you the most?
What are you looking for in a new position?
Can you tell me why I should hire you?
Do you have any outside income?
Why are you interested in this job?
Why are you the best person for this job?
What is the most recent book you have read?
Can you tell me why there was a gap in your employment?
What are your salary requirements?
During performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?
Why do you want this job?
During performance reviews, what praise do you get the most?
Do you work well with other people?
What do you do when you are having difficulty solving a problem?
Other Common Job Interview Questions 2
What do you do when there is no work?
What is your favorite website?
What is your management style?
How do you evaluate success?
What makes a good team player?
What do you do when you feel stressed out?
What type of person do you have trouble getting along with?
How do you balance both your family and your job?
What do you do when you feel burned out?
What do you expect from your manager?
What kind of person would be the ideal manager for you?
What makes you uncomfortable in the workplace?
Are you currently employed at the last place listed on your resume?
Do you manage your time well?
What does failure mean to you?
If you are happy with your current job, then why do you want to leave?
How do you feel about overtime?
Why do you like working in sales?
What kind of work environment do you like best?
What kind of people do you enjoy working with?
Other Common Job Interview Questions 3
Do you have any experience giving presentations in front of a large audience?
Do you own or rent your home?
Would you prefer to work for a small company or large company?
How do you explain the fact that you frequently change jobs?
What are you passionate about?
How would you describe the pace at which you work?
What does success mean to you?
What do you know about our product?
What do you do when there are too many things to do?
How are your presentation skills?
What do you feel an employer owes an employee?
What do you do to stay in shape?
Does your current boss know that you are here today?
What will you do if you do not get a job offer?
How far away do you live from here?
How do you feel about change?
What is the most recent movie you have seen?
Where did you tell your boss that you were going today?
What do you do when a worker on your team is giving the team more problems than helping?
Do you take work home with you?
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Skills
How can you overcome this weakness?
What do you think you do well?
What professional weakness do you have?
What is something that you struggle with at work?
How are your analytical abilities?
What do you consider your biggest strength?
Which one of your strengths would help our company the most?
What is something that you cannot do well?
How do you make decisions?
How are your interpersonal skills?
How has your strength helped you succeed in your career?
What skill do you think you need to improve?
What is a goal you have for self-improvement in the next year?
What do you consider your biggest weakness?
What skill do you want to learn?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
How would your strengths help you succeed at our company?
What professional strengths do you have?
What are you doing to improve your weakness?
Work Experience
What was your favorite job?
Tell us about your work background.
Tell me about the best manager you ever had.
Have you ever been fired?
Who is your mentor?
How often did you give sales presentations at your last job?
What were your responsibilities at your last job?
In your previous position, how much time did you spend planning new projects?
In your previous job, how often did you use English?
In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?
What was your salary at your last job?
Have you ever been let go from a job?
Who was your worst boss?
Do you have any leadership experience?
How long have you worked at your current job?
How often did you give presentations at your last job?
Could you briefly tell me about your work history?
What is a time that you disagreed with a decision at work?
In your previous job, how much time did you spend working with foreign business people?
Have you ever done an internship?