What was your salary at your last job?

How to Use

Interviewer: What was your salary at your last job?

Abby: The salary for my last job was $45,000 per year, but I felt that it was low.

Interviewer: Can you explain why you felt that way?

Abby: $45,000 is about the average salary for a sales associate in this industry, but my sales numbers were always way above average. I was in the top three of sales at my company every quarter.

Interviewer: Then, why do you think your previous company did not give you a raise?

Abby: It is because even though I was performing well, the company as a whole was not doing well. We were often outperformed by our competition and we were having a hard time gaining market share.

Interviewer: Is salary the main reason that you left your last company?

Abby: The main reason that I left my last company is that I want to have more responsibilities and I want more opportunities to advance my career. But salary was also a factor.

Interviewer: I understand.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question