What are your long-term goals?

How to Use

Interviewer: What are your long-term goals?

Mark: My long-term goal is to become a partner for a consulting firm. I know that it is hard to become a partner at any consulting firm, and not many people reach this level. However, I am confident that with my skills, diligence, and drive that I will be able to achieve my goal in the next 10 years.

Interviewer: So, what are you doing to achieve this goal?

Mark: I am just working hard every day and trying to get better at my job. I try to learn as much as I can from people who have more expertise and knowledge than I do. I also spend my free time reading and studying in order to strengthen my knowledge.

Interviewer: It sounds like you are very dedicated.

Mark: I am dedicated, but I need to continue to work hard. This is a long-term goal, so I need to be consistent and continue to improve.

Interviewer: That is right. Consistency is very important.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question