How has your strength helped you succeed in your career?

How to Use

Interviewer: You mentioned that writing was your strength.

Carly: Yes.

Interviewer: How has your strength helped you succeed in your career?

Carly: Writing has helped me in numerous ways. Most importantly, writing has helped me persuade consumers to use my company's services.

Interviewer: What kind of writing was it?

Carly: I was able to persuade consumers through a few different mediums. I wrote a successful online advertisement that led to a 25% increase in sales. I helped write a radio advertisement that my company aired for over 6 months. And I often wrote blog posts for our company's website to show customers how our services could positively affect their lives.

Interviewer: That is very impressive. How did you become such a good writer?

Carly: I have always been pretty good at writing, but I have also spent a lot of time practicing and studying how to be a great writer.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question