If you are happy with your current job, then why do you want to leave?

How to Use

Interviewer: You mentioned earlier that you are happy with the situation at your current company. If you are happy with your current job, then why do you want to leave?

Jon: That is a fair question. The reason that I am looking for a new job is that I believe I am ready to take the next step in my career. I have been working as an assistant manager for over three years. I believe that I have the skills and knowledge to be an effective manager. However, the manager at my current company does not plan on leaving or changing his position any time soon. Therefore, if I want to become a manager, then I have no choice but to look for a position outside of my current company.

Interviewer: I understand. So, you are looking to advance your career?

Jon: Yes. I want a new challenge. I have been preparing myself for a management position for quite a while, and I think it is time for me to begin the next phase of my career.

Interviewer: How have you been preparing?

Jon: I have been learning everything I can about the industry and how to be an effective manager. I have also been reading books on leadership and management.

Interviewer: It sounds like you are driven to achieve your goal. That's great.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question