How would you deal with an angry client or customer?

How to Use

Interviewer: How would you deal with an angry client or customer?

Tina: When dealing with an angry person, I think it is very important to listen to them. Most people who are angry just want you to listen to them carefully and understand how they feel. And then, after I listen to the person, I would do everything I could to help them.

Interviewer: What if you could not do anything for them?

Tina: Then, I would try to explain the situation to them.

Interviewer: And what if they remained angry?

Tina: In that case, I would stay calm. Sometimes, there is nothing you can do, but if you become angry too and start yelling, then you can make the situation worse. So, I would want to avoid making the situation worse.

Interviewer: I think that is an appropriate way to deal with that kind of situation.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question