What do you do when a worker on your team is giving the team more problems than helping?

How to Use

Interviewer: You are applying for a management position, so I want to ask you some question about how you deal with certain situations as a manager. First, what do you do when a worker on your team is giving the team more problems than helping?

Mark: That is a tough situation. I think the best thing to do is to talk to that person directly and to be honest with them about their performance.

Interviewer: I see. So, could you walk me through exactly what you do in that kind of situation?

Mark: First, I would ask the person to out to lunch privately. I prefer to have these meetings outside of the office, so other workers do not gossip about the meeting and we can have some privacy. Second, I would tell that employee exactly how he or she is underperforming and exactly what he or she needs to do. Then, I would listen to their point of view.

Interviewer: Have you ever actually had to do this?

Mark: Sure. I have had meetings like this a few times in my career. In my experience, this type of meeting is usually helpful.

Interviewer: What do you do if the employee does not change?

Mark: In that case, that employee will need to transfer to a different department or find a new job.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question