What are your strengths?

How to Use

Interviewer: What are your strengths?

Bill: I think my biggest strength is dealing with people. I do my best work when I am helping customers. I listen and pay close attention to their needs, and I do my best to help them. I think the customers can feel that I genuinely care about them.

Interviewer: As the head of customer service, how will use your strength to help the department?

Bill: The best thing I can do is to teach the members of the customer service team how to provide excellent customer service. I have a lot of experience in this field, and I have dealt with all kinds of situations and customers. I believe that my expertise can help the department improve greatly.

Interviewer: Have you ever trained staff members before?

Bill: I have never formally trained any customer service members, but I mentored many junior staff members at my old company. I know what inexperienced customer service reps struggle with, and I know how to help them improve.

Interviewer: That's good to hear. Do you think you could create a training course?

Bill: I would have no problem doing that.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question