What do you do when there are too many things to do?

How to Use

Interviewer: What do you do when there are too many things to do?

Carly: There are a few things that I do when there are too many things to handle. First, I set my priorities. I list all of the things that I have to do from most important to least important. After that, I go to my manager and explain the situation. I see if there is anything that can be done to lessen the workload. And the last thing that I do is work overtime to get everything done.

Interviewer: What are some ways that your manager could help lessen the work?

Carly: There are a few different things. Maybe we could extend a deadline, or maybe there is another staff member who is not busy and could help with some of the work. If my manager cannot do anything to help me, then that is okay. I will do it myself, but it is better to ask first.

Interviewer: I see. And how do you feel about working overtime?

Carly: Well, obviously I don't love working overtime, but I have no problem working overtime if that is what is necessary to get the job done.

Interviewer: That is good to hear.

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