How would you deal with a colleague who was angry with you?

How to Use

Interviewer: How would you deal with a colleague who was angry with you?

Mark: First, I would give them a little time to calm down. If I started to talk to them right after they got angry, then they might not be able to have an open and rational conversation. After I gave them a little time to cool down, I would approach them and ask them if they wanted to get a cup of coffee and talk.

Interviewer: I see. And then what?

Mark: And then, I would ask them why they were angry with me. I would listen earnestly to their feelings and then I would tell them how I feel. I would avoid attacking them, but I would be honest about how I felt about the situation.

Interviewer: That sounds like an effective way to deal with this kind of situation.

Mark: All you need to do is be a good listener and give them coffee. It works every time.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question