If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?

How to Use

Interviewer: If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?

Bill: I think it depends on the situation. If I were unfairly criticized in front of other people like at a meeting, then I would wait until after the meeting and talk to the person who criticized me one on one. I would tell them why I thought that their criticism was unfair.

Interviewer: Why would you wait until after the meeting?

Bill: I think it would be better to avoid any major conflict. If we started to argue in front of other people, then it could become a bad situation. If we talked privately, we could be more comfortable and I think it would be easier to resolve the issue.

Interviewer: That makes perfect sense to me.

Bill: Actually, I have used this method in the past, and it has been effective for me.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question