How long have you worked at your current job?

How to Use

Interviewer: How long have you worked at your current job?

Bill: I have been working at the company for 12 years. I worked for 8 years as a sales associate, and I have been a sales manager for 4 years.

Interviewer: And after 12 years, why are you thinking about leaving?

Bill: I think now is the right time for me to move on to my next challenge. I have accomplished a lot at my current job, but I am ready to take the next step in my career.

Interviewer: And what would you hope to accomplish here?

Bill: I would like to have the opportunity to become the director of the sales department at your company. I want to turn this sales department into the most effective and successful in the industry.

Interviewer: I like your ambition.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question