In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?

How to Use

Interviewer: In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?

Sharon: At my previous company, we had at least a few meetings each week. Each meeting lasted anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. During the meetings, we planned new projects, discussed problems and issues, and assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Interviewer: Did you find these meetings to be helpful?

Sharon: For the most part, the meetings were useful and productive. We were able to discuss ideas and work together to come up with strategies and plans. I think our team was successful because we worked well together in these meetings.

Interviewer: How did you behave during these meetings?

Sharon: I listened with an open mind to everyone's ideas and I shared my ideas and opinions whenever I thought they would be helpful.

Interviewer: Would you feel comfortable leading a meeting?

Sharon: Yes, I would. Actually, I have led a couple of meetings before. Whenever my boss was sick or away on business, I was in charge of leading the meetings.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question