During performance reviews, what praise do you get the most?

How to Use

Interviewer: During performance reviews, what praise do you get the most?

Jon: My managers and colleagues most often praise me for my positive attitude, enthusiasm, and hard work. I try to bring a positive attitude to work every day and I try to make both my colleagues and the customers at the store happy. Overall, I am a happy person and I want to make other people happy too.

Interviewer: Do you think this helps your performance?

Jon: I do. People enjoy being around positive people and customers like to be helped by employees who smile and are friendly. I am sure that my positive attitude is one of the reasons why my sales are always high and why I consistently get positive feedback from customers.

Interviewer: You also mentioned that you are hardworking.

Jon: Yes. If I fail at something, I don't want it to be because I didn't try my best.

Interviewer: I like your attitude.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question