Does your current boss know that you are here today?

How to Use

Interviewer: Does your current boss know that you are here today?

Kevin: To be honest, she doesn't know that I am here today.

Interviewer: Why haven't you told her that you are looking for a new job?

Kevin: I am not actively looking for a new job. I am quite satisfied with my current job, and I would have no problem staying there. However, being a marketing executive at your company is my dream. Your agency is the best at marketing consumer technology products, and I would really like to work here.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. How do you think your current boss will feel if you leave?

Kevin: I'm sure that she will be a little disappointed. We have worked together for over 5 years and we have a solid working relationship. However, I know that she would understand. She has also changed companies to advance her career.

Interviewer: I get it.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question