What skill do you think you need to improve?

How to Use

Interviewer: What skill do you think you need to improve?

Abby: I think that I need to improve my ability to work independently.

Interviewer: What exactly do you mean by that?

Abby: I think that I ask for feedback and help from my co-workers and boss too often. I think I need to have more confidence in my ability to make decisions. I know that it is important to ask for help when I don't know what to do or if I need feedback about something, but I also think that I need to trust my own ability, too.

Interviewer: Is there anything you can do to improve this?

Abby: I think the most important thing that I can do is just develop confidence in my ability. If I am confident and positive, then this will help me work more independently.

Interviewer: That's a very interesting answer.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question