Bill: In order for a company to be successful, there needs to be solid leadership. I think that leadership is the key factor that drives results in a company.
Interviewer: I understand. Can you tell me a few leadership skills that you think are necessary?
Bill: It is crucial that a leader has three things. First, they must have a clear vision and they must be able to clearly explain this vision to their subordinates. Second, a good leader must have good decision-making skills. They must be able to make the right choices under pressure. Last, a leader must be accountable. If there is a mistake or the quality of some work is not up to the company's standards, then the leader must take responsibility for this.
Interviewer: Do you feel like you have those skills?
Bill: Yes, I do. Whenever I am in a leadership position, I use those three skills to guide my actions. Those three things have helped me be successful so far in my career.