In your previous job, how much time did you spend working with foreign business people?

How to Use

Interviewer: In your previous job, how much time did you spend working with foreign business people?

Sharon: At my previous company, I worked as a salesperson for overseas markets. I was in charge of the South American market. So, I have a lot of experience doing business with people from other countries.

Interviewer: How did you communicate with your clients?

Sharon: I was in constant contact with all of my clients. I would send and receive emails with them daily and I had a conference call with each client at least once a week. On top of that, we would travel to South America to meet with our clients once or twice a year.

Interviewer: What language did you use?

Sharon: We mostly used English, but sometimes I used Spanish.

Interviewer: How many languages do you speak?

Sharon: My native language is Swedish, but I also speak English fluently. I can also speak some Spanish, but I am not a fluent speaker yet.

How You Can Answer This Interview Question